Related information for DB2 Multisystem
Listed here are the information center topics that relate to the DB2® Multisystem topic.
- Application programming interfaces provides information for the experienced programmer on how to use the application programming interfaces (APIs) for some operating system functions.
- Backup, Recovery, and Media Services (BRMS) provides information about setting up and managing:
– Journaling, access path protection, and commitment control
– User auxiliary storage pools (ASPs)
– Disk protection (device parity, mirrored, and checksum)
This topic collection also provides performance information about backup media and save/restore operations. It also includes advanced backup and recovery topics, such as using save-while-active support, saving and restoring to a different release, and programming tips and techniques.
- Control language provides an overview of all the CL commands and describes the syntax rules needed to code them.
- Database programming provides a detailed discussion of the i5/OS® database organization, including information about how to create, describe, and update database files on the system.
- Distributed database programming provides information about preparing and managing a System i™ product in a distributed relational database using the Distributed Relational Database Architecture™ (DRDA®). It describes planning, setting up, programming, administering, and operating a distributed relational database on more than one system in a like-system environment.
- Install, upgrade, or delete i5/OS and related software includes planning information and step-by-step instructions for procedures to install the operating system and licensed programs.
- OptiConnect describes OptiConnect support, which can connect multiple systems using a fiber optic cable. OptiConnect allows you to access intersystem databases more quickly and enables you to offload work to another system. Additional topics include configuration, installation, and operation information.
- SQL programming provides information about how to use DB2 for the DB2 UDB Query Manager and SQL Development Kit licensed program. This topic collection shows how to access data in a database library and how to prepare, run, and test an application program that contains embedded SQL statements. The topic collection also contains examples of SQL statements and a description of the interactive SQL function, and describes common concepts and rules for using SQL statements in COBOL, ILE COBOL, PL/I, ILE C, FORTRAN/400, RPG, ILE RPG, and REXX. SQL programming and Database programming also provide information about DB2 UDB Symmetric Multiprocessing.
- SQL reference provides information about how to use DB2 SQL statements and gives details about the proper use of the statements. Examples of statements include syntax diagrams, parameters, and definitions. A list of SQL limitations and a description of the SQL communication area (SQLCA) and SQL descriptor area (SQLDA) are also provided.
Parent topic:
DB2 Multisystem