id="iteratestmt">ITERATE statement
The ITERATE statement causes the flow of control to return to the beginning of a labelled loop.
>>-+---------+--ITERATE--label2-------------------------------->< '-label1:-'
- label1
- Specifies the label for the ITERATE statement. The label name cannot be the same as the routine name or another label within the same scope. For more information, see Labels.
- label2
- Specifies the label of the FOR, LOOP, REPEAT, or WHILE statement to which the database manager passes the flow of control.
This example uses a cursor to return information for a new department. If the not_found condition handler was invoked, the flow of control passes out of the loop. If the value of v_dept is 'D11', an ITERATE statement passes the flow of control back to the top of the LOOP statement. Otherwise, a new row is inserted into the DEPARTMENT table.
CREATE PROCEDURE ITERATOR () LANGUAGE SQL MODIFIES SQL DATA BEGIN DECLARE v_dept CHAR(3); DECLARE v_deptname VARCHAR(29); DECLARE v_admdept CHAR(3); DECLARE at_end INTEGER DEFAULT 0; DECLARE not_found CONDITION FOR SQLSTATE '02000'; DECLARE c1 CURSOR FOR SELECT deptno,deptname,admrdept FROM department ORDER BY deptno; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR not_found SET at_end = 1; OPEN c1; ins_loop: LOOP FETCH c1 INTO v_dept, v_deptname, v_admdept; IF at_end = 1 THEN LEAVE ins_loop; ELSEIF v_dept ='D11' THEN ITERATE ins_loop; END IF; INSERT INTO department (deptno,deptname,admrdept) VALUES('NEW', v_deptname, v_admdept); END LOOP; CLOSE c1; END
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