Details: Working with a group of constraints


The Work with Physical File Constraints display shows all the constraints defined for a physical file.

                  Work with Physical File Constraints  
 Type options, press Enter.
   2=Change   4=Remove   6=Display records in check pending  
                                                            Check  Opt  Constraint   File        Library    Type     State    Pending   _   DEPTCST      EMPDIV7     EPPROD     *REFCST  EST/ENB  No   _   ACCTCST      EMPDIV7     EPPROD     *REFCST  EST/ENB  Yes   _   STAT84       EMPDIV7     EPPROD     *REFCST  DEF/ENB  No   _   FENSTER      REVSCHED    EPPROD     *REFCST  EST/DSB  Yes   _   IRSSTAT3     REVSCHED    EPPROD     *UNQCST   _   IFRNUMBERO > REVSCHED    EPPROD     *UNQCST   _   EVALDATE     QUOTOSCHEM  EPPROD     *REFCST  EST/ENB  No   _   STKOPT       CANSCRONN9  EPPROD     *PRIKEY   _   CHKDEPT      EMPDIV2     EPPROD     *CHKCST  EST/ENB  No  
 Parameters for options 2, 4, 6 or command  ===>________________________________________________________
 F3=Exit  F4=Prompt  F5=Refresh  F12=Cancel  F15=Sort by  F16=Repeat position to  F17=Position to  F22=Display constraint name  
The display lists the constraint names, the file name, and the library name. In addition, the following information is displayed:

For each of the listed constraints, you can perform the following actions:


Parent topic:

Working with a group of constraints