Details: Working with a group of constraints
The Work with Physical File Constraints display shows all the constraints defined for a physical file.
Work with Physical File Constraints Type options, press Enter. 2=Change 4=Remove 6=Display records in check pending Check Opt Constraint File Library Type State Pending _ DEPTCST EMPDIV7 EPPROD *REFCST EST/ENB No _ ACCTCST EMPDIV7 EPPROD *REFCST EST/ENB Yes _ STAT84 EMPDIV7 EPPROD *REFCST DEF/ENB No _ FENSTER REVSCHED EPPROD *REFCST EST/DSB Yes _ IRSSTAT3 REVSCHED EPPROD *UNQCST _ IFRNUMBERO > REVSCHED EPPROD *UNQCST _ EVALDATE QUOTOSCHEM EPPROD *REFCST EST/ENB No _ STKOPT CANSCRONN9 EPPROD *PRIKEY _ CHKDEPT EMPDIV2 EPPROD *CHKCST EST/ENB No Parameters for options 2, 4, 6 or command ===>________________________________________________________ F3=Exit F4=Prompt F5=Refresh F12=Cancel F15=Sort by F16=Repeat position to F17=Position to F22=Display constraint nameThe display lists the constraint names, the file name, and the library name. In addition, the following information is displayed:
For each of the listed constraints, you can perform the following actions:
- The Type column identifies the constraint as referential, check, unique, or primary key.
- The State column indicates whether the constraint is defined or established and whether it is enabled or disabled. The State column only applies to referential and check constraints.
- The Check Pending column contains the check pending status of the constraint. Unique and primary key constraints do not have a state because they are always established and enabled.
- To change a referential or check constraint to any of its permissible states, select Change (option 2). For example, you can enable a constraint that is currently disabled. This option performs the same functions as the Change Physical File Constraint (CHGPFCST) command.
- To remove a constraint, select Remove (option 4). This option performs the same functions as the Remove Physical File Constraint (RMVPFCST) command.
- To display the records that are in check pending state, select Display (option 6). This option performs the same functions as the Display Check Pending Constraint (DSPCPCST) command. The DSPCPCST command applies only to referential and check constraints.
Parent topic:
Working with a group of constraints