Working with a group of constraints
You can use the Work with Physical File Constraints (WRKPFCST) command to display and manage a list of constraints.
To display a list of the constraints that exist for a particular file, use the WRKPFCST command. From this display, you can change or remove a constraint and display a list of the records that placed a file constraint into check pending status.
- Details: Working with a group of constraints
The Work with Physical File Constraints display shows all the constraints defined for a physical file.
- Working with constraints that are in check pending status
When you add a referential or check constraint to a physical file, the system automatically checks all the records in the file to ensure that they meet the constraint definition. If the constraint is not valid or if it cannot be verified, the system places it in check pending status.
Parent topic:
Controlling the integrity of your database with constraints
Related reference
Work with Physical File Constraints (WRKPFCST) command