Physical file member operations
Some member operations are unique to physical file members.
If the physical file members are associated with referential constraints, the operations on these members might be affected.
- Initializing data in a physical file member
To use relative record processing in a program, a database file must contain a number of record positions equal to the highest relative record number used in the program. Programs using relative-record-number processing sometimes require that you initialize these records.
- Clearing data from a physical file member
You can remove data from a physical file member using the Clear Physical File Member (CLRPFM) command. After the clear operation is complete, the member description remains, but the data is removed.
- Reorganizing a physical file member
You can reorganize a physical file member to change the manner in which records are stored on the i5/OS® operating system.
- Displaying records in a physical file member
You can display records in a physical file member using the Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command.
Parent topic:
Managing database members
Related concepts
Ensuring data integrity with referential constraints