Displaying records in a physical file member


You can display records in a physical file member using the Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command. The DSPPFM command can be used to display the data in the physical file member by arrival sequence. The DSPPFM command can be used for:

You can display source files or data files, whether they are keyed or arrival sequence. Records are displayed in arrival sequence, even if the file is a keyed file. You can page through the file, locate a particular record by record number, or shift the display to the right or left to see other parts of the records. You can also press a function key to show either character data or hexadecimal data on the display.

If you have Query installed, you can use the Start Query (STRQRY) command to select and display records, too.

If you have the SQL language installed, you can use the Start SQL (STRSQL) command to interactively select and display records.


Parent topic:

Physical file member operations


Related reference

Display Physical File Member (DSPPFM) command