Database programming
DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ (DB2® UDB for iSeries) provides a wide range of support for setting up, processing, and managing database files.
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- Database file concepts
This introduction to i5/OS® database files includes information about DB2 Universal Database for iSeries interfaces to database files, the types and maximum sizes of database files, and the ways of describing and protecting database files.
- Setting up database files
You can create, define, and secure a database file using the traditional system interface or iSeries Navigator.
- Processing database files
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides various processing options for you to open, manipulate, and close database files. You can also monitor database file errors in your program.
- Managing database files
You can manage and maintain control over database files in various ways.
- Double-byte character set considerations
A double-byte character set (DBCS) is a character set that represents each character with 2 bytes. The database on the i5/OS operating system supports DBCS.
- Related information for database programming
Listed here are the manuals and information center topics that relate to the Database programming topic. You can view or print any of the PDFs.