Database file concepts
This introduction to i5/OS® database files includes information about DB2 Universal Database™ for iSeries™ interfaces to database files, the types and maximum sizes of database files, and the ways of describing and protecting database files.
- DB2 Universal Database for iSeries
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries is the integrated relational database manager on the i5/OS operating system.
- Interfaces to DB2 Universal Database for iSeries
DB2 Universal Database for iSeries provides several independent interfaces to the database.
- Database files
A database file is one of the several types of the system object type *FILE. A database file contains descriptions of how input data is to be presented to a program from internal storage and how output data is to be presented to internal storage from a program.
- How database files are described
Records in database files can be described to the field or record level.
- Database data protection and monitoring
To ensure data integrity and consistency, you can enforce either business rules or data type rules.
- Database file sizes
Before you design and create a database file, know the maximum size allowed for the file.
Parent topic:
Database programming