

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Virtual portals reference

This topic provides information about configuring virtual portals, hints and tips, and known limitations.

It contains the following sections:


Configuration tasks for administering virtual portals

The following sections lists and describes the configuration tasks for administering virtual portals. Before you use these configuration tasks to administer virtual portals, read the topics about Planning for virtual portals and Administering virtual portals carefully.

For details about the configuration program and about how to use the configuration tasks refer to About the configuration program. The tasks described here take the listed inputs as they must be specified in the property file wpconfig.properties.

The property file must be encoded in the ISO 8859-1 character encoding format.



Creates a virtual portal.


Usage: Use this task to create a virtual portal.


Syntax: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file as follows:

  • For Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh create-virtual-portal

  • For i5/OS:

    • From the UserData directory: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root create-virtual-portal

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

  • For Windows: WPSconfig.bat create-virtual-portal



  • VirtualPortalTitle The title of the virtual portal. This input is mandatory.

  • VirtualPortalRealm The realm of the virtual portal. This input is mandatory if you have realms enabled in the portal installation. If you do not have realms enabled, do not specify a value for the realm.

  • VirtualPortalContext The portal context of the virtual portal. This input is mandatory. The context must be unique.

  • VirtualPortalNlsFile The national language support (NLS) file for the virtual portal. This input is optional. You input the path and file name of your national language support file. You can create a national language support file to specify additional titles and descriptions in other languages for your virtual portal. For more details about the format of this file refer to Command reference for the Portal Scripting Interface under Property file format. If you do not specify an NLS file, the virtual portal is created with the title that you give as the value to the VirtualPortalTitle parameter only, but without titles in other languages and without descriptions. For a list of the languages that are available with WebSphere Portal Express and their language codes refer to Language support.


    1. If you specify no NLS file, the value that you specify by the VirtualPortalTitle input parameter will show to users as the title of the virtual portal in all language environments, independent of the system and browser locale and the user preferences.

    2. If you specify an NLS file, the value given for the virtual portal title in that NLS file overrides the title that you specify by the VirtualPortalTitle input parameter.

    3. If you specify an NLS file, do not use prefixes in that NLS file.

Assumptions: WebSphere Portal Express is running.

Error conditions: None

Dependencies: None

Tasks invoked: None

You pass the parameters listed above for the virtual portal to the configuration task.

If you want to pass a description for the virtual portal to the configuration task, you have to specify this in the NLS file.

The task creates the virtual portal itself, but it does not create any default content for the virtual portal or grant any access permissions to the virtual portal administrators. You need to perform these tasks separately after creating the virtual portal, for example by using the XML configuration interface. For details about the access permissions required for virtual portal administrators refer to Subadministrators of a virtual portal and their access roles and rights. For details about how to use the XML configuration interface refer to The XML configuration interface.



Lists all virtual portals.


Usage: Use this task to list all virtual portals.


Syntax: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file as follows:

  • For Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh list-all-virtual-portals

  • For i5/OS:

    • From the UserData directory: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root list-all-virtual-portals

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

  • For Windows: WPSconfig.bat list-all-virtual-portals


Inputs: None


Outputs: This tasks lists all your virtual portals, together with the following information:

  • The title of the virtual portal

  • The description of the virtual portal

  • The realm of the virtual portal

  • The object ID of the virtual portal.

Assumptions: WebSphere Portal Express is running.

Error conditions: None

Dependencies: None

Tasks invoked: None


The context of a virtual portal as specified by using the configuration task create-virtual-portal with the input parameter VirtualPortalContext cannot be shown by using the configuration task list-all-virtual-portals.



Modifies a virtual portal.


Usage: Use this task to modify a virtual portal by using its object ID. To determine the correct object ID of the virtual portal, use the task list-all-virtual-portals.


Syntax: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file as follows:

  • For Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh modify-virtual-portal

  • For i5/OS:

    • From the UserData directory: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root modify-virtual-portal

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

  • For Windows: WPSconfig.bat modify-virtual-portal



  • VirtualPortalObjectId The object ID of the virtual portal. This input is mandatory for identification of the virtual portal that you want to modify.

  • VirtualPortalRealm The realm of the virtual portal. You can only specify a realm if you have realms enabled in the portal installation.

  • VirtualPortalNlsFile The National Language Support file of the virtual portal. You input the path and file name of your national language support file. You can create a national language support file to specify additional titles and descriptions in other languages for your virtual portal. For more details about the format of this file refer to Command reference for Portal Scripting Interface under Property file format.

    If you specify an NLS file, do not use prefixes in that NLS file.

Assumptions: WebSphere Portal Express is running.

Error conditions: None

Dependencies: None

Tasks invoked: None

If you want to modify the title or description of the virtual portal, you have to specify this in the NLS file accordingly.



Deletes a virtual portal.


Usage: Use this task to delete a virtual portal by using its object ID. To determine the correct object ID of the virtual portal, use the task list-all-virtual-portals.


Syntax: Invoked as part of the WPSconfig script file as follows:

  • For Linux: ./WPSconfig.sh delete-virtual-portal

  • For i5/OS:

    • From the UserData directory: WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_root delete-virtual-portal

      where profile_root is the name of the WebSphere Application Server profile where WebSphere Portal Express is installed; for example, wp_profile.

  • For Windows: WPSconfig.bat delete-virtual-portal


Inputs: VirtualPortalObjectId The object ID of the virtual portal. This input is mandatory.

Assumptions: WebSphere Portal Express is running.

Error conditions: None

Dependencies: None

Tasks invoked: None


Information overview for configuring user populations for virtual portals

This section gives an overview of the information that is available in the WebSphere Portal Express information center about configuring user populations, realms, and user registries for your virtual portals. The following links move from the general to the detailed and specific.


Read all of the information under the topics listed here before you start configuring the user populations for your virtual portals.

  1. For an overview about portal security refer to Enabling security and Security Concepts.

  2. For an overview about user management refer to Managing users and groups.

  3. For details about how to create and configure Member Manager, realms and user registries refer to Using multiple realms and user registries. Review the sections about the Configuration and Sample Configuration. These sections list samples of the required xml files.


Hints and tips

The following hints and tips apply to virtual portals in WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0:


Known limitations

The following sections describe known limitations with virtual portals.


Change of theme for virtual portal might not take effect

If you change the theme for a virtual portal by editing the virtual portal in the Virtual Portals portlet, the following problems might occur:

  1. The selected theme might not show the next time you go into the Edit mode for the virtual portal.

  2. The selected theme might not be applied to the virtual portal, and the virtual portal might still be displayed with the original theme.


Create the portal site search collection fails


Problem: If the file path length for the location of search collections exceeds its limit, the collection cannot be created. This can occur particularly when the portal site collection is created under Linux operating systems.


Cause: The file path length for the portal search collection is limited to 118 characters. If this limit is exceeded, the default collection cannot be created. The following items contribute to the length of the file path:


Solution: Proceed as follows:

  1. Change the default directory location for the portal site search collection to a shorter path, so that the complete path and file name does not exceed a length of 118 characters. For details about how to do this refer to Configuring the default location for search collections.

  2. Recreate the portal site search collection. For details about how to do this refer to Creating or resetting the portal site collection.


Related information


Parent topic:

Multiple virtual portals