

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Create or resetting the portal site collection

The portal site default search collection is created at the first time when an administrator navigates to the search administration portlet Manage Search. This requires considerations about the configuration tasks related to the portal and Portal Search and about the sequence by which you perform these tasks. An example scenario might be that you want to perform a portal database transfer, for example, from the default database to a different database. In this case you need to create the portal site collection by navigating to the Manage Search portlet before you transfer the database. Otherwise the portal site collection will not be available after the database transfer.

Under certain circumstances you might want to change the configuration of the portal site search collection. In this case you need to recreate the collection, as search collections cannot be modified. This can become necessary, if you created the portal site collection by navigating to the Manage Search portlet before you completely configured the portal and Portal Search. Example scenarios:

In such a scenario, first perform the required reconfiguration tasks, for example for the language or path settings. After you have completed these, recreate the portal site collection. To do this, proceed by the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Search portlet by clicking Launch > Main Menu > Administration > Search Administration > Manage Search.

  2. Click Search Collections.

  3. Delete the Portal Content search collection by clicking the appropriate Delete icon and confirming the deletion.

  4. Return to the main Manage Search panel by clicking the Manage Search link in the breadcrumb trail at the top of the portlet.

  5. Click Search Services.

  6. Click the Edit icon for the Default Portal Search Service. If you created a new search service for the portal site search collection, click the Edit icon for that search service.

  7. Set the value for the parameter PortalCollectionForceCreate to on . This triggers a new crawl on the portal site at the next time at which an administrator navigates to the Manage Search portlet.

  8. Click OK to save your updates. Manage Search returns to the Search Services panel.

  9. Navigate to the Manage Search portlet by clicking the Main Menu > Administration > Search Administration > Manage Search.
Portal Search performs a new crawl on the portal site search collection. It also resets the value for the parameter PortalCollectionForceCreate to off , so that you do not need to do that manually.


  1. On a multilingual portal site you can create multiple collections in different languages. For details refer to Crawling and searching a multilingual portal site.

  2. When you start the crawl for the first time, this might result in a warning message. You can ignore this message. For more detailed information refer to Crawling a portal site for the first time can result in a message.


Parent topic:

Searching a local portal site