

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Plan migration



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Migration is the process of reconstructing the environment of your earlier IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express environment on a nearly identical Version 6.0 environment, including, but not limited to, applications and configuration settings.


What versions of WebSphere Portal Express are supported

The following versions of WebSphere Portal Express can be migrated to WebSphere Portal Express Version 6.0:

Offering Supported version
IBM WebSphere Portal Express Version and
IBM WebSphere Portal Express Plus Version and

Throughout the rest of the migration topics, all WebSphere Portal Express versions prior to Version 6.0 are collectively referred to as previous versions and Version 6.0 is referred to as current version.


What hardware and software, operating systems, and database servers are supported

Refer to the Supported hardware and software topics for both your current and previous version of WebSphere Portal Express to compare what is supported.

You can migrate from an older version of an operating system to a newer version of the operating system. Migrating between different operating systems, however, is not supported. For example, you cannot migrate from a Windows operating system to a Linux operating system.

You can migrate from an older version of database server to a newer version of the database server. Migrating between different database servers, however, is not supported. For example, you cannot migrate from a DB2 database server to an Oracle database server.

To ensure that your migration works properly, all users and groups must be the same between the different versions.

Backup your current database before beginning the migration process.

Ensure the ulimit for your operating system is set to an appropriate value. On Linux, run...


What is migrated

The following information is automatically migrated using the command line scripts or the migration wizard:

Themes and skins Configuration information that includes locale-specific titles for themes and skins and information on what skins are allowed for the themes.
Portlet applications and portlets Migration tasks are provided to facilitate deployment of your custom portlet applications. In addition to the deployment, these tasks also migrate the associated access control information.
Portal resources The corresponding access control is migrated automatically with these artifacts.
User customizations Customizations created by privileged users that make changes to a private copy of their page.
Favorites You will need to enable it after migration
Transcoding Technology Enable in your current version;

The following information must be migrated manually either pre-migration, or post-migration:

Custom themes and skins You will need to manually upgrade your themes and skins for the new functionality to work, such as, but not limited to, the context menu and drag and drop
Property files.
Global and service settings.
Node and version specific. Should be replaced by the configuration changes that are made to the system
Access control and modification for administrative pages and portlets
Credential vault data
Struts portlets built with previous Struts Framework version
Cooperative portlets Need to update the pbportlet.jar
Customized portlets
Search collections
Collaborative component properties

During the migration process, some information that was in your previous version of WebSphere Portal Express will not be migrated to the current version such as, but not limited to, portlets and components because they are no longer supported. One example of a component that is no longer supported is WPAI; this component and applications created with this component will not be migrated to the current version.

What's new for additional information about what is new in the current version.


Where are my two versions of WebSphere Portal Express located?

The location of your current version of WebSphere Portal Express is called the local machine. Your previous version can also be located on the same machine as your current version.

See the section on Software that can be installed on the portal machine for coexistence restrictions on other products that are shipped with WebSphere Portal Express.

When both versions are installed on the same machine, however, resource limitations might prohibit them from running at the same time. Therefore, you can accomplish the migration tasks in two distinct steps: export and import. The previous version can be located on a separate or remote machine.


Migration tools

You can use the following tools or combination of tools to migrate your previous version to your current version:


Related information


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Preparing your previous environment for migration