

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Portal Express Install methods



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WebSphere Portal Express for i5/OS offers three installation methods...

The full installation program tasks:

You can install more than one copy of WebSphere Portal Express on the same machine and have each WebSphere Portal Express operate independently of the others. Each copy of WebSphere Portal Express will be installed on a separate WAS profile.

Using the chosen installation method and mode you fully install the first copy of WebSphere Portal Express on an existing WAS profile. If an installation has already been completed, a second or subsequent invocation of the installation program allows the installation of an additional portal copy on a separate WAS profile, named wp_profilex, where x increments by 1 for each install iteration. The single DB2 administrator user ID assigned during installation will coordinate with the portal profile name. For example, on the first install iteration the user ID is wpdb2ins and the profile name is wp_profile. The second iteration user ID would be wpdb2ins1 and the profile name would be wp_profile1.

Each subsequent install iteration would increase the suffix number by 1 (one).

When the installation program tasks are complete there is an updated, pre-configured, working portal with deployed portlets and security enabled. The portal's DB2 administrator user ID coordinates with the WAS profile name and the database domain names.

Installation Option Methods available in Local mode (5250 Session) Methods available in Remote mode (Windows OS)
Install only

Installs the archived install images into...


and creates uninstall files.

Response file
Graphical interface
Response file
Install and configure

In addition to the Install only functions, this option...

  • Creates a new WAS profile
  • Extracts the archived , pre-configuredWebSphere Portal Express images into the newly created profile
  • Portlets are pre-deployed, fix pack updates are applied, and security is enabled
  • Localizes and modifies the configuration
  • Perform database tasks

Default option if the installation program is run. Allows the addition of more than one portal on the same System i5 server where WebSphere Portal Express was installed.

Response file
Graphical interface
Response file
Uninstall Console
Response file


Remote with graphical interface

The WebSphere Portal Express graphical installation program runs on a Windows PC connected to your System i5 server.

You point and click through a series of screens, occasionally typing in information as required.

The graphical interface is available only for remote installation.

Text interface is available for all others.


Local 5250 session or remote with console (text interface)

The console method includes much of the same content as the graphical interface, but presented in text format. To make selections, you type in the number corresponding to the appropriate option displayed on screen and press Enter.

The console method is available for both local and remote installation modes.


Local or remote with response file (silent)

Rather than entering information as the installation progresses, with this installation mode you specify a response file from which the installation program can gather all the information it needs. You have the option of overriding any values contained in the response file by entering them as parameters on a command line when the installation is launched.

Installing with a response file is available for both local and remote installation. IBM recommends for advanced users, or those with highly customized installation requirements.


Parent topic:

Installing on i5/OS