

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Verify and launch WebSphere Portal Express



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Verify that your installation was successful.


Launching WebSphere Portal Express

  1. To launch WebSphere Portal Express have all required servers running. Make sure that the following servers and components, if applicable, are started:

    • Database
    • LDAP server
    • An external Web server
    • WebSphere Application Server
    • The WebSphere_Portal enterprise application

  2. After the servers are all running, open a Web browser and enter the WebSphere Portal Express page URL:



    • hostname.example.com is the fully qualified host name of the machine.

    • WebSphere Portal Express is running and port_number is the transport port that was created by WebSphere Application Server.

      This value is also stored in the WpsHostPort property in the portal_server_root/config/wpconfig.properties file.

    An example URL is...


    If you have customized the WebSphere Portal Express page URL -- for example, by modifying the base URI portion of the default URL (wps) or the WebSphere Portal Express page (portal) -- be sure that you enter your customized URL.

  3. WebSphere Portal Express should load in the browser.

    If you get an Internal Server Error, WebSphere Application Server might not have completely started yet. Wait a couple of minutes to ensure that WebSphere Application Server has completely started and try to access the WebSphere Portal Express page again.


Starting WebSphere Portal Express as bootup service on Unix/Linux operating system

Edit the start_WebSphere_Portal.sh script that was generated from the startserver.sh WebSphere_Portal -script command as shown in the example below.

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/IBM/PE/PortalServer/shared/app/oiexport:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export LIBPATH=/opt/IBM/PE/PortalServer/shared/app/oiexport:$LIBPATH
export PATH=/opt/IBM/PE/PortalServer/shared/app/oiexport:$PATH
export SHLIB_PATH=/opt/IBM/PE/PortalServer/shared/app/oiexport:$SHLIB_PATH


Run the validation task

Windows and Linux:

cd portal_server_root\config
./WPSconfig.sh validate-wps-admin-login -DPortalAdminPwd=portalAdminPassword


cd portal_server_root_user/UserData/config
WPSconfig.sh -profileName profile_name validate-wps-admin-login -DPortalAdminPwd=portalAdminPassword

Errors generated are stored in the messages log.


Determining the server ports

After installation, to determine the server ports, refer to the SystemOut.log file.

In the WPS/log/SystemOut.log search for the entry similar to:

[3/14/06 18:55:16:031 CET] 0000000a TCPChannel A TCPC0001I: TCP Channel TCP_1 is listening on host * (IPv4) port 9074.

[3/14/06 18:55:16:047 CET] 0000000a WSChannelFram A CHFW0019I: The Transport Channel Service has started chain WCInboundAdmin. The 'WCInboundAdmin' transport channel points to the admin console port

The port number is displayed on top of the channel name.


Parent topic:

Installing on Windows and Linux