

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Configure desktop components

Manually configure the connection between desktop components and the portal server.

If you decide to use the Download option to install IBM® WebSphere® Portal Document Manager desktop components, manually configure your connection to the server before you can begin working with desktop components.

Obtain the desktop components installation file:

  1. From the Document Manager main page, with the document library that you want to work in opened and accessible, click Tools > Install Desktop Components. In the Document Manager desktop components window, click Download.

  2. Save the desktop components installation file, dmdiinst.exe, to your local system.

  3. Start the installation by locating the dmdiinst.exe file on your system and double-clicking it.

  4. When the installation is complete, a Document Manager icon appears in Windows Explorer under My Network Places. Now you can configure the desktop components.
To configure your installation of the desktop components:

  1. In Windows Explorer, click on My Network Places.

  2. Click the Document Manager icon.

  3. Right-click in the right-hand panel to display a popup menu.

  4. Select Add Server. The Add Server and Document Library window opens.

  5. In the Document Manager Server URL field, type the fully-qualified domain name and context root to server. For example, localhost:10038/wps/desktop where localhost:10038 is the server URL and /wps/desktop is the context root for the Document Manager authoring Web application.

    /wps/desktop is the default context root. If you cannot connect using this default root, contact your administrator to get the correct context root.

  6. In the Server User ID field, type your server user ID. This is your user ID that you use to log in to the server.

  7. In the Server Password field type your server password. This is your password that you use to log in to the server. Click the Save Password option to avoid typing in the password again to return to the current session.

  8. In the Server Display Name field, type a name for this server. This is any name that you want to use to refer to this server. By default, this field is populated with a shortened name from the Document Manager Server URL field.

  9. Click Next. A list of available libraries is displayed.

  10. Select the library that you want to work in and click Next. The settings for the selected library are displayed.

  11. In the Local directory field, specify a local folder where documents will be temporarily stored on your computer for the selected library.

    The Document Manager Upload Monitor detects changes in this folder, and all documents placed in this folder will be automatically uploaded to the Document Manager server. Be aware that, in order for your newly-created documents to be uploaded to the server, save your documents to this folder, especially when you use desktop applications such as Microsoft® Word, Microsoft Excel, and Microsoft PowerPoint. You cannot set the interval at which documents placed in the local directory folder are uploaded to the Document Manager. The update is performed automatically.

  12. On the same page, select the Save documents to the server as private drafts check box if you want to have the option to keep private drafts of your documents before publishing them. This option allows you to continue working on a document until you are ready to submit it for review.

  13. Click Finish to confirm your settings.
After you connect, the server icon is added to the Windows Explorer tree using the name you specified in the Server Display Name field. Beneath the server icon, the document library icon is displayed for the library you selected. If more libraries are available on the server, you can add them using the Add Library menu option. While you are connected to the Document Manager server, documents that you update are automatically uploaded to the server, and the status of each upload is displayed in the Document Manager Upload Monitor. View the properties of the server by right-clicking on the server name and clicking Properties.

If you clicked Save Password when connecting to the server, the save password field in the Properties dialog does not indicate that the password is saved. The purpose of the Save Password option is to save the password for a specific session, not to show the status of a previously-saved password.

You can now work with content in the document library on the server. Documents appear in a folder-file hierarchy under the appropriate document library icon in Windows Explorer. Other items that appear include any custom views that were created in Document Manager, as well as the default views All Documents, Private Drafts and Locked Documents. The Private Drafts view shows all drafts you originated. The Locked view shows all documents you currently have locked in the library.


Parent topic:

Integrating desktop applications with Document Manager


Related concepts
Using desktop components


Related tasks
Downloading desktop components Installing desktop components Adding additional document libraries