

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Add administrators to the Domino Directory



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Create a new user to act as the IBM® WebSphere® Portal Express administrator.

You must create this user if:

Perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the People view of the Domino Directory and, from the action bar, click Add Person.

  2. In the New Person form, enter the following values in the fields shown:

    Last Name wpsbind
    User name wpsbind/dominodomain wpsbind
    Short name/UserID wpsbind
    Internet password wpsbind

    Make sure that you enter two values in the User name field, where the first value includes the Lotus Domino Domain.

  3. Click Save and Close to save the new person record for wpsbind and return to the People view of the Domino Directory.

  4. From the action bar, click Add Person and complete the New Person form to add your administrator ID as follows:

    Last name wpsadmin
    User name wpsadmin/dominodomain wpsadmin
    Short name/UserID wpsadmin
    Internet password password

    Make sure that you enter two values in the User Name field, where the first value includes the Lotus Domino Domain.

  5. Click Save and Close to save the new person record for the new administrative user and return to the People view of the Domino Directory.

  6. Navigate to the Groups view of the Domino Directory and, from the action bar, click Add Group.

  7. In the New Group form, on the Basics tab, enter the following values in the fields shown to create the WebSphere Portal Express administrators group wpsadmins and add the user wpsbind, and the WebSphere Portal Express administrative user. You can add additional users to administer WebSphere Portal Express, if desired.

    Group name wpsadmins
    Group type Multi-purpose
    Members wpsbind wpsadmin

  8. Click Save and Close to save the wpsadmins group.

See Updating the Access Control List of the Domino Directory to assign the necessary permissions to the new administrative group and users.


Parent topic:

Set up Domino Directory