

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Web content authoring options



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You define the following Web content authoring options in...


You will need to restart WebSphere Portal to enable any configuration changes made to this file.


Enable workflows

As default, the IBM® Workplace Web Content Management™ application will workflow content items only. The WCMConfigService.properties file can be edited to enable workflows for different items. To enable workflows add...


...to any of the control.itemtype settings. For example:


If workflows are enabled for the following items, a workflow view will not be available in the item views navigator.

Individual items can still be moved through workflow stages by accessing them through the normal item views and approving them.

Only content items can be moved through a workflow using the Web content API. If you enable workflows for other item types, you will not be able to approve or reject these items using the API.


Enable profiling

As default, the Web Content Management application will profile content items only. The WCMConfigService.properties file can be edited to enable profiling for different items. To enable profiling add...


...to any of the control.itemtype settings.

For example:



Hierarchical item locking options

When a content item is being edited, it is locked. Other users are prevented from editing the content item until it is unlocked. Locking of sites, site areas, taxonomies and categories is configurable and is not enabled by default. To enable locking for hierarchical item types, change the following parameters to "true":

When locking is enabled for these item types, any children of a locked item will also be locked. For example, if a site is being edited, all the site areas and content items within the site will also be locked.


Parent topic:

Configuring an authoring server