

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Policy principles

Understanding the hierarchy of policies and how inheritance works between parent and child policies is fundamental to managing the portal resources.

The hierarchy of policies begins with main policy types for target objects and can include multiple levels of child policies for each policy type.


Policy types

A policy type is the main collection of settings that are applied to types of portal resources. The following principles apply to main policies of any type:


Child policies

A child policy is a sub-policy that refines the settings of the parent policy from which it is created. The following principles apply to child policies of any type:



A refinement of the Mail policy might include one or more child policies that apply particular conditions of the Geography rule: for example, American Mail Locales, European Mail Locales, Middle Eastern Mail Locales, and Asian Mail Locales. Each child policy is a refinement of the Geography rule based on a conditional expression that evaluates locale: for example, Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Asia. Each child policy might apply another policy rule, User Level, to govern how the Mail application behaves for one or more classes of users within a locale. For example, the expressions for evaluating User Level might be conditions named Executive, Manager, Assistant, Staff, and Contractor.

Given these examples, the hierarchy of the Mail policy might include the following child policies, which inherit the rules and conditions of the parent policy:

Each child policy can be refined further by one or more levels of additional child policies. In this way, policies for portal resources are specialized according to the policy rules and conditions that are applied for the resource type.


Parent topic:

Managing portal resources with policies


Related concepts
Access rights


Related tasks
Working with policies