

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Work with composite applications

Use the application catalog to create, manage, and open composite applications. To work with a composite application, use the actions that are available to you on the application page menu. From the main menu, click Templates; then click the Application Library tab to work with the applications catalog. From an open application, click the page menu to see the application actions that are available to you.

Working with the applications catalog

Working with instances of composite applications


Work with the applications catalog

The applications catalog is a portlet that serves as a library of applications to which you have access. The applications that are available to you can belong to more than one category. From within the applications catalog, you can perform basic actions:

If you are an administrator or an application manager, you can perform advanced actions from within the applications catalog:


Work with instances of composite applications

Applications that you or other users assemble from a template are displayed in the application catalog. You open an application by clicking its name in the catalog. Each application has one or more pages that contain its components. If you have permission to edit an application, its members, and its pages, you can see the actions that are available to you from the drop-down menu of an application page:

The menu choices that you see will depend on the level of access that you have for editing applications, application membership, and application pages. Each menu choice opens a portlet where you perform the task. After you open a portlet for an application task, refer to the Help topics for more information about the task.


Parent topic:

Composite applications


Related reference

Version 6.0.1 and later Policy settings for composite applications