

Portal Express, Version 6.0
Operating systems: i5/OS, Linux, Windows


Work with application templates

Use the Application Template Library to create and manage templates for composite applications.

From the main menu, click Templates; then click Template Library to view the Application Template Library.

From the Application Template Library, you can create a new template and, thereby, become its owner. You can also import a template definition, which is stored in an XML file, and customize it.

Tip: Before you create new application templates, consider the types of applications that you want to assemble or build in your enterprise and the users who will work with them. Here is a preview of creating a new template:

  1. From the Template Library, click New.

  2. Type a name for the template.

  3. Select an existing category or create a new category to help you manage the applications that users will assemble from the template. Categories are useful for filtering the views of both the template library and the applications catalog.

  4. Describe the template. Type meaningful text to characterize the template to meet the needs of all users.

  5. Select an existing template as your starting point.

    Each application template that you create will become available for selection as a starting point to create another template.

  6. Click OK to display the Template Library, which now includes the new application template.

    You can filter the view of the template library to show all application templates or templates belonging to a particular category.

    For each template in the library, you can see its name, owner, category, modification date, and lock status. The name of the template owner includes the person link, which displays business card information, online presence, a menu of actions for contacting the template owner.

From a template listed in the Application Template Library, you can click the name of a template to display the drop-down menu of choices for managing application templates:

The menu choices that you see will depend on the level of access that you have for editing application templates.

After you select an action from the menu of the application template, refer to the Help topics for more information about the task.


Parent topic:

Composite applications


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