The chgwassvr script

The chgwassvr script allows you to change the ports for an application server within a profile. For usage instructions and examples, see Change application server properties.

Note: You can also use the administrative console to create and manage application servers. See Administering application servers for more information.


The chgwassvr script is available in WebSphere Application Server and WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment.


To run this script, your user profile must have *ALLOBJ authority.


The syntax of the script is:

Note: In a Network Deployment environment, use the chgwassvr script from the Network Deployment profile to modify port values for the servers managed by the deployment manager for the cell. When you modify a managed server's ports, use the -node parameter to specify the node name of the managed node that contains the server that you want to modify. The configuration documents for the servers are updated when the next synchronization between the deployment manager and the nodes occurs. You can also synchronize the configuration with the syncNode script. For more information, see The syncNode command. You run the syncNode script from the WebSphere Application Server base application server for the node.


The parameters of the script are:

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