Administering application servers


Administering application servers

An application server configuration provides settings that control how an application server provides services for running enterprise applications and their components.

This section describes how to create and configure application servers in an existing application server environment.

A WebSphere Application Server administrator can configure one or more application servers and perform tasks such as the following:

  1. Create application servers.

  2. Manage application servers.

  3. Configure transport chains.

  4. Develop custom services.

  5. Define processes for the application server.

  6. Use the Java virtual machine.

ResultAfter preparing a server, deploy an application or component on the server. See Preparing to host applications for a sample procedure that you might follow in configuring the application server runtime and resources.

Application servers
Creating application servers
Managing application servers
Creating generic servers
Configuring transport chains

Custom services

Developing custom services

Process definition

Defining application server processes

Java virtual machines (JVMs)

Using the JVM
Preparing to host applications
Java memory tuning tips
Configuring multiple network interface card support
Tuning application servers
Web services client to Web container optimized communication
Application servers: Resources for learning

Related tasks
Tuning the application serving environment