Web services implementation scope


Web services implementation scope

The scope determines when a new implementation instance is created for Web service ports. For example, setting the scope to application causes the same instance of the implementation to be used for each request. Setting the scope to session causes the same instance of the implementation to be used for each requests of a session. Setting the scope to request causes a new instance to be created for each request.

Use this page to view and manage the scope of the ports of a Web service application.

To view this administrative console page, click Applications >Enterprise Applications > application_instance > Web modules > module_instance >Web services implementation scope .


Specifies a port name for a Web service. A module can contain one or more Web services, each of which can contain one or more ports.

Web service

The name of the Web service. A module can contain one or more Web services.


The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) of the binding file that defines the scope. The URI is relative to the Web module.


The scope of a port. The valid values for scope are request, session and application.

Related tasks
Configuring the scope of a Web service port