Configure the scope of a Web service port


Configure the scope of a Web service port

When a Web service application is deployed into WebSphere Application Server, an instance is created for each application or module. The instance contains deployment information for the Web module or enterprise bean module, including implementation scope, client bindings and deployment descriptor information. There are three levels of scope that can be set: application, session and request.

Deploy the Web service into WebSphere Application Server.

Web Services for Java 2 platform Enterprise Edition (J2EE) specifies that Web services implementations must be stateless. Therefore, to maintain specification compliance, the scope can remain at the application level because the state relevant to the individual sessions level or the requests level is not supposed to be maintained in the implementation. If you want to deviate from the specification and want to access a different JavaBean instance, because you are looking for information that is located in another JavaBean implementation, the scope settings need to change. The setting that you configure for the scope determines how frequently a new instance of a service implementation class is created for the Web service ports in a module. Use this task to configure the scope of a Web service port.

You can also configure the scope with the wsadmin tool.

To change the scope setting through the administrative console:

  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. Click Applications >Enterprise Applications > application_instance > Web Modules > module_instance >Web Services Implementation Scope. If you are using an EJB module click EJB Modules instead of Web Modules .

  3. Set the scope to application, session or request. The application scope causes the same instance of the implementation to be used for all requests on the application. The session scope causes the same instance to be used for all requests in each session. The request scope causes a new instance to be used for every request. For example, with the scope set to application, every message that comes to the server accesses the same JavaBean instance because that is the way the scope settings are configured.

  4. Click Apply .

  5. Click OK .

ResultThe scope for a Web service port is configured.


What to do next

Now you can finish any other configurations, start or stop the application, and verify the expected behavior of the Web service.

Web services implementation scope

Related tasks
Configuring the scope of a Web service port with the wsadmin tool
Web services client port information
Web services client bindings