Step 2: Installing

Step 2: Install WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 for OS/400

To install WebSphere Application Server on your iSeries server, complete these steps.

  1. Install WebSphere Application Server on your iSeries server
    Install the product on your iSeries server locally from the optical drive of your iSeries server, or remotely from a supported workstation platform.

  2. Install the WebSphere Application Server group PTF
    Apply the most recent WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 for OS/400 group PTF before you start WebSphere Application Server for the first time. This group PTF includes the most recent WebSphere Application Server PTFs and other products' recent PTFs that are required for WebSphere Application Server.

If you have problems with any part of the installation, see the Troubleshoot the installation.

Install WebSphere Application Server on your iSeries server