Server collection


Server collection

Use this page to view information about and manage application servers, generic servers, Java Message Service (JMS) servers, and Web servers.

Application Servers

The Application Servers page lists the application servers in the cell. You can use this page to create new application servers, create application server templates, or delete existing application servers. You can also use this page to start and stop these application servers.

The Network Deployment product also shows the status of the application servers. The status indicates whether a server is running, stopped, or encountering problems.

To view this administrative console page, click Application Servers .

Generic Servers

The Generic Servers page lists the generic servers in the cell. You can use this page to create new generic servers, create generic server templates, or delete existing generic servers. You can also use this page to start and stop these generic servers.

The Network Deployment product also shows the status of the generic servers. The status indicates whether a server is running, stopped, or encountering problems.

You can use this page to add or delete application servers.

To view this administrative console page, click Generic Servers .

Java Message Service (JMS) Servers

The JMS Servers page lists the JMS servers in the cell. You can use this page to start and stop these JMS servers.

Each JMS server provides the functions of the JMS provider for a node in your administrative domain. There can be at most one JMS server on each node in the administration domain, and any application server within the domain can access JMS resources served by any JMS server on any node in the domain.

Note: JMS servers apply only to WebSphere Application Server Version 5.x nodes. You cannot create a JMS server on a node that is running WebSphere Application Server 6.0, but the existing Version 5.x JMS servers will continue to be displayed, and you can modify their properties. You can also delete Version 5.x JMS servers.

To view this administrative console page, click JMS Servers .

Web Servers

The Web Servers page lists the Web servers in your administrative domain. You can use this page to generate and propagate a Web server plug-in configuration file, create new Web servers, create new Web server templates, or delete existing Web servers. You can also use this page to start and stop these Web servers.

To view this administrative console page, click Web Servers .


Specifies a logical name for the server. For WebSphere Application Server, server names must be unique within a node.


The name of the node holding the server.


The version of the WebSphere Application Server product on which the server runs.


Indicates whether the server is started or stopped. (Network Deployment only)

Note that if the status is Unavailable, the node agent is not running in that node and restart the node agent before you can start the server.


Application server settings

Generic server settings

Related reference
Administrative console preference settings
Administrative console page features
Object names
Node agent collection
version 5 JMS server settings
Administrative console scope settings

Related information
Version 5 JMS server collection