Node agent collection


Node agent collection

Use this page to view information about node agents. Node agents are administrative agents that monitor application servers on a host system and route administrative requests to servers. A node agent is the running server that represents a node in a Network Deployment environment.

To view this administrative console page, click System Administration > Node Agents .


Specifies a logical name for the node agent server.


Specifies a name for the node. The node name is unique within the cell.

A node name usually is identical to the host name for the computer. That is, a node usually corresponds to a physical computer system with a distinct IP host address.

However, the node name is a purely logical name for a group of servers. You can name the node anything you please. The node name does not have to be the host name.

Both Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) and Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) are now supported by WebSphere Application Server, but there are restrictions that apply to using both IPv4 and IPv6 in the same cell. Note that when a node is added to a cell, the format in which the name is specified is based on the version of IP the node will be using.

Note: Although WebSphere Application Server supports IPv4 and IPv6, iSeries currently does not support IPv6.


The product version of the node.

The product version is the version of a WebSphere Application Server node agent and Application Servers that run on the node.


Indicates whether the node agent server is started or stopped.

Note that if the status of servers such application servers is Unavailable, the node agent is not running in the servers' node and restart the node agent before you can start the servers.


Node agent server settings

Related concepts
Node agents

Related tasks
Managing node agents

Related reference
Administrative console buttons
Administrative console preference settings
Administrative console page features