Preferred port mappings


Preferred port mappings

Use this page to view and manage a preferred portType mapping for a Web service.

When you have multiple ports that reference the same portType (service endpoint interface), a preferred port specifies the port to use when the Service.getPort(Class SEI) method is called with only the service endpoint interface.

To view this administrative console page, click Applications >Enterprise Application > application_instance > Web modules > module_instance >Web services client bindings > Edit > preferred_port_instance.

For EJB modules, click Applications >Enterprise Application > application_instance > EJB modules > module_instance >Web services client bindings > Edit > preferred_port_instance.


The portType.

The preferred port and the portType values are both of the type java.xml.namespace.QName.

Preferred port

The preferred port to be associated with a particular portType. The Service.getPort(Class) method returns the preferred port associated with the specified service endpoint interface class (portType).

The preferred ports available are listed, as well as a value of None, which indicates no preferred port is selected.

Related tasks
Configuring Web service client bindings

Searchable topic ID: uwbs_preferredport