Configure Web service client bindings


Configure Web service client bindings

When a Web service application is deployed into WebSphere Application Server, an instance is created for each application or module. The instance contains deployment information for the Web module or enterprise JavaBean (EJB) module, including client bindings.

Deploy the Web service into WebSphere Application Server.

To complete this task, you need to know the topology of the URL endpoint address of the Web services servers and which Web service the client depends upon. You can view the deployment descriptors in the administrative console to find topology information. See the article View Web services server deployment descriptors for more information.

The client bindings define the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file name and preferred ports. The relative path of a Web service in a module is specified within a compatible WSDL file that contains the actual URL to be used for requests. The address is only needed if the original WSDL file did not contain a URL, or when a different address is needed. For a service endpoint with multiple ports, you need to define an alternative WSDL file name.

The following steps describe how to edit bindings for a Web service after these bindings are deployed on a server. When one Web service communicates with another Web service, configure the client bindings to access the downstream Web service.

You can also configure client bindings with wsadmin .

To configure client bindings through the administrative console:

  1. Open the administrative console.

  2. Click Applications > Enterprise Applications > application_instance > Web modules > module_instance > Web services client bindings.

    For EJB modules, click Applications >Enterprise Applications > application_instance > EJB modules > module_instance > Web services client bindings.

  3. Find the Web service you want to update.

    The Web services are listed in the Web Service field.

  4. Select the WSDL file name from the drop down box in the WSDL file name field.

  5. Click Edit in the Preferred port mappings field to configure the default port to use.

    1. Specify the port type and the preferred ports in the Port type and Preferred ports fields.

      Configuring the preferred port enables you to select an optimal port implementation use non-SOAP protocols. See RMI-IIOP Web services using JAX-RPC for more information about using non-SOAP protocols.

    2. Click Apply and OK.

  6. Click Edit in the Port information field to configure the request timeout, the overridden endpoint, and the overridden binding namespace for a port.

    Configuring the request timeout accommodates complex topologies that can have multiple cascaded Web services that involve multiple hops or long-running services.

    Timeout values can be configured based on observed behavior of the overall system as integration proceeds. For example, a Web service client might time out because of changing network conditions or the performance of an external Web service. When you have applications containing Web services clients that timeout, you can change the request time out values for the clients.

    1. Click Apply and OK.

ResultYour Web service client bindings are configured.


What to do next

Now you can finish any other configurations, start or restart the application, and verify the expected behavior of the Web service.

Web services client bindings

Related tasks
Configuring Web service client-preferred port mappings with the wsadmin tool
Configuring Web service client port information with the wsadmin tool
Configuring a Web service client deployed WSDL file name with the wsadmin tool

Searchable topic ID: twbs_clientbindings