Install WebSphere Application Server from your iSeries server



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Perform these steps to install WebSphere Application Server from Qshell using the SETUP command. You can also use the RUNJVA command to invoke the installation wizard.

  1. Sign on the iSeries system with a user profile that has *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

  2. Verify that the host server jobs have been started on your iSeries server. The host server jobs allow the installation code to run on iSeries. Enter this command on a CL command line:


  3. Place the WebSphere Application Server V6.0 iSeries CD-ROM in the CD-ROM drive of your iSeries server.

    Do not use the IBM WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 Windows CD-ROM or any other CD-ROM (which was shipped with your WebSphere Application Server Version 6.0 for OS/400 package) for this set of steps.

    Your user profile must have *ALLOBJ and *SECADM special authorities.

  4. Use the Copy (CPY) command to create a copy of the RESPONSEFILE file from the CD-ROM directory. For example:


  5. If you have not already done so, read the IBM International Program License Agreement located in...


    If you agree to the terms of the agreement, continue with the installation process.

  6. Edit the file as follows:

    • Change the value of silentInstallLicenseAcceptance.value to "true".

    • Optionally change the installation options to suit your installation requirements.

  7. Run the SETUP command from Qshell or use the RUNJVA command from the CL command line.

    • Run the SETUP command from Qshell

      1. Enter STRQSH on a CL command line to start Qshell.

      2. Run the SETUP script to start the installation program.

        SETUP -options path/responsefile

        Do not issue any other commands, unless prompted, until the installation is completed. Doing so may cause the installation to stop prematurely.

    • Use the RUNJVA command from the CL command line

      At the CL command line, run these commands:

      RUNJVA CLASS(run) PARM('-options' 'path/responsefile') CLASSPATH('/QOPT/WEBSPHERE/WAS/SETUP.JAR') PROP((java.version 1.4))

  8. After you invoke the installation, messages are displayed that indicate the progress of the installation process. When the setup program completes, press F3 to exit.

  9. For security purposes, if the host servers were not running prior to installation, it is recommended that you run the End Host Server (ENDHOSTSVR) command after the installation is complete.

Install the WebSphere Application Server group PTF