The remote silent mode allows you to install the product with a single command from a remote workstation. Installation options must be specified in a response file. During the installation, you are unable to change the installation options. The parameters and default values are discussed in RESPONSEFILE for command-line installation.
To use the remote silent mode to install WebSphere Application Server from a workstation, follow these steps:
Enter this command on a CL command line:
install.exe systemname username password -options responsefile
where systemname is the name of your iSeries server, username and password are your user profile login credentials, and responsefile is the name of your response file.
Note: The password used in this command is displayed in clear text on the command line during the execution of this install.
For example:
install.exe MYISERIES myUserName myPassword -options c:\temp\RESPONSEFILE
Note: After you run the command, the command returns to the command prompt while the installation process runs.