Federated default WebSphere Application Server profile

The information below describes the default profile provided with WebSphere Application Server after it is federated, or added, to a Network Deployment cell. You can use the addNode script or the Network Deployment administrative console to federate a profile into a Network Deployment cell.

When you federate a profile into a cell, a node agent server is created to monitor the application server. The node agent server serves as an intermediary between the application servers on the node and the deployment manager that oversees the entire cell.

For more information on working with federated profiles, see Administering applications and their environments.

General properties

Pre-deployed applications

The server1 application server includes these applications:

Default ports

The default profile is configured to use the ports listed in Port number settings in WebSphere Application Server versions. To change a port for any of the servers in the federated default profile, you can use the deployment manager
administrative console or you can use the chgwassvr script specifying the
deployment manager profile on the -profileName option. The chgwassvr script is located in the /QIBM/ProdData/WebSphere/AppServer/V6/ND/bin directory. For more information about the script, see The chgwassvr script.

To display information such as node name, ports used, servers and installed applications for the default profile, run the dspwasinst script from Qshell. For more information, see The dspwasinst