Developing programmatic logins with the Java Authentication and Authorization Service


Developing programmatic logins with the Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Use this topic to develop programmatic logins with the Java Authentication and Authorization Service.

Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS) represents the strategic application programming interfaces (API) for authentication.

JAAS replaces the Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) programmatic login application programming interfaces (APIs).

WebSphere Application Server provides some extension to JAAS:



  1. Use the sas.client.props file and look for the following properties: port
    If you specify these properties, you are guaranteed that security looks here for the SecurityServer. The host and port specified can represent any valid WebSphere host and bootstrap port. The SecurityServer resides on all server processes and therefore it is not important which host or port you choose. If specified, the security infrastructure within the client process look up the SecurityServer based on the information in the sas.client.props file.

  2. Place the following code in your client application to get a new InitialContext():
       import java.util.Hashtable;
       import javax.naming.Context;
       import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    // Perform an InitialContext and default lookup prior to logging 
    // in so that target realm and bootstrap host/port can be 
    // determined for SecurityServer lookup.
          Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
          env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY,            "");
          Context initialContext = new InitialContext(env);
          Object obj = initialContext.lookup("");
       // programmatic login code goes here.
    Complete this step prior to running any programmatic login. It is in this code that you specify a URL provider for your naming context, but it must point to a valid WebSphere Application Server within the cell to which you are authenticating. Pointing to one cell allows thread specific programmatic logins going to different cells to have a single system-wide SecurityServer location.

  3. Use the new default InitialContext() method relying on the naming precedence rules. These rules are defined in the article, Example: Getting the default initial context .

Example See the Example: Programmatic logins article.



Example: Programmatic logins


Related concepts

Programmatic login


Related tasks

Configuring programmatic logins for Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Developing applications that use CosNaming (CORBA Naming interface)

Customizing application login with Java Authentication and Authorization Service

Related reference

Example: Getting an initial context by setting the provider URL property

Security: Resources for learning