Developing new Web services from an existing WSDL file using an EJB
Developing new Web services from an existing WSDL file using an EJB
This task explains how to develop a new Web service from an existing Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file using a stateless session enterprise bean.
Locate the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file that defines the Web service to implement.
The SOAP address URI is not required because it is updated when your new implementation is deployed.
This task is one of four ways that you can develop a Web service.
You can also develop a Web service from a JavaBeans implementation, develop a Web service from a stateless session enterprise bean, or develop a Web service with an existing WSDL file using a Java bean.
Create the enterprise bean and artifacts that enable the enterprise bean as Web services and assemble those artifacts into the enterprise application:
Enable the EAR
file. When the EAR file contains EJB modules, the EAR file must have the Web services endpoint Web archive (WAR) file added with the endptEnabler command or with an assembly tool before deployment.