This task is one of four ways that you can develop a Web service.
You can also develop a Web service from an enterprise bean, develop a Web service with an existing Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file using a Java bean, or develop a Web service with an existing WSDL file using an enterprise bean. In this task, you need develop a new WSDL file.
You can use a Java bean that already exists and then enable the implementation for Web services. Enabling the Java bean for Web services includes developing the service endpoint interface, developing a WSDL file that is the engine of the Web service, generating and configuring the deployment descriptors,
assembling all artifacts required for the Web service, and deploying the application into the WebSphere Application Server environment.
Develop a Web service from a Java bean by following the task steps provided in this section.
Access an existing Java bean Web archive (WAR) file.
Develop a Java bean service endpoint interface. The service endpoint interface defines the methods for a particular Web service. The Java bean must implement methods having the same signature as the methods on the service endpoint interface.
Develop a WSDL file.
The WSDL file is the engine of a Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) Web service; without it there is no Web service.
Complete the JavaBeans implementation. When you complete the JavaBeans implementation,
you are assembling a Java archive (JAR) file that contains a JavaBeans implementation and supported classes created from the WSDL file.