This task explains how to complete the JavaBeans implementation after you have developed the deployment descriptor bindings and the bindings necessary to develop a Web service.
Develop JavaBeans implementation templates and bindings from a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file. You need to complete this step to create the deployment descriptor templates that are configured to map the service implementation to the JavaBeans implementation. This task is a required step in developing a Web service from a Java bean.
When you complete the JavaBeans implementation, you are assembling a Java archive (JAR) file that contains a JavaBeans implementation and supported classes created from the WSDL file.
Complete the JavaBeans implementation by following the steps provided in this task section.
ResultYou have a Java archive (JAR) file containing the JavaBeans implementation and supported classes created from the WSDL file.
Related tasks
Assembling applications
Developing Web services deployment descriptor templates for a JavaBeans implementation
Configuring the webservices.xml deployment descriptor