Deploy and start a new application

Before you can deploy and start a new application, create and configure an application server instance. If you have not already done so, see Create a new application server for information. An application can consist of one or more Web modules packaged in an Enterprise Archive (EAR) file, or a single Web module packaged as a stand-alone Web Archive (WAR) file. A Web module is a logical piece of an application, containing objects like Java servlets, JavaServer Pages (JSP) files, and HTML pages. The file must exist in the location specified before the wizard can proceed.

To deploy a new application, follow these steps:

    Start the HTTP Server Administration interface.

    Click the Manage tab.

    Expand Tasks and Wizards.

    Click Install New Application.

    Select one of these options:

    • Application is contained in an EAR file

      1. Click Browse or specify the fully qualified path name of the EAR file.

        It is not necessary to specify the context root for an EAR file. The context root is specified in the EAR file.

    • Application is contained in a WAR file

      1. Click Browse or specify the fully qualified path name of the WAR file.

      2. Specify the root of the context in the Context root field. The context root is the path used in a client request to access the application resources.

  1. Click Next.

  2. Specify a name for the application in the Application name field. The default value is the name of the file.

    The application name value is specified within the file application. If not specified, the application name value defaults to the name of the application file.

  3. Optional: Select Pre-compile JSPs to compile JSP files into Java servlet code during the installation of the application. If the JSP file is pre-compiled, the application runs faster the first time you start it. However, depending on the number of JSP files in the application and the size of your system, pre-compiling all JSP files can cause the install of the application to take a significant amount of time.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Select a virtual host to map to a Web module from the Map web modules to virtual hosts table. The virtual host determines the IP Address or hostname that is used to access your application. See Manage virtual hosts for your application server for information on creating new virtual hosts.

  6. Click Next.

  7. The summary page lists all of the choices you have made in the wizard. If any of the information displayed is incorrect, click Back until you reach the wizard form with the incorrect information and make your corrections. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

  8. After you deploy the application,

Manage installed applications
This topic describes how to start and stop applications, and how to enable and disable applications.

Install and uninstall applications with the WebSphere administrative console
This topic describes how to use the administrative console to install and uninstall applications in your application server.

Install and uninstall applications with wsadmin
This topic describes how to use wsadmin to install and uninstall applications in your application server.

Start and stop applications with the WebSphere administrative console
This topic describes how to use the administrative console to start and stop applications.

Start and stop applications with wsadmin
This topic describes how to use wsadmin to start and stop applications.

Use the EARExpander script to work with applications
This topic describes how to use the EARExpander script in Qshell to expand and collapse applications in EAR files.

Advanced application management
This topic describes advanced application settings that you can configure. It also describes how to use hot deployment and dynamic reloading to update applications while they are running.