Install and uninstall applications with wsadmin

You can use wsadmin to deploy applications into your application server. The wsadmin tool supports non-interactive installation, in which you run a single command that specifies the application to install, and interactive installation, in which you are prompted for information about the installation. You can also use wsadmin to uninstall applications from your application server.

Install applications with wsadmin

To use the wsadmin tool to deploy applications into your application server, follow these steps:

    On the CL command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

    Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE51/ASE/bin

    Start wsadmin.

    At the wsadmin prompt, run one of these commands:

      This command uses the EAR file and the command option information to install the application:

      $AdminApp install earfile {-server myAppSvr}

      where earfile is the fully qualified path of the EAR file that you want to install and myAppSvr is the name of your application server instance.

      This command starts an interactive installation that prompts you through a series of installation tasks:

      $AdminApp installInteractive earfile

      where earfile is the fully qualified path of the EAR file that you want to install.

    Run this command to save your changes:

    $AdminConfig save

Uninstall applications with wsadmin

    On the CL command line, run the STRQSH (Start Qshell) command.

    Run the cd command to change to the directory that contains the wsadmin tool:

    cd /QIBM/ProdData/WebASE51/ASE/bin

    Start wsadmin.

    At the wsadmin prompt, run this command to uninstall an application:

    $AdminApp uninstall myApp

    where myApp is the name of the application that you want to uninstall.

    Specify the name of the application, not the name of the EAR or WAR file.

    Run this command to save your changes:

    $AdminConfig save