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Move, copy, and link items

From time to time, we need to move, copy and link items.

  • Copy a site area
    As the site framework evolves, we are required to edit the site framework by copying site areas from one section of the site framework to another. Use the copy button to copy a site area in the site framework.

  • Move a site area
    As the site framework evolves, we are required to edit the site framework by moving site areas from one section of the site framework to another. Use the Move button to change the position of a site area in the site framework. When we reposition a parent site area, any child site areas and related content are also moved.

  • Linking or copying content items to site areas
    When a content item is first created, select a site area to save the content item under. We can link content items to other site areas using the Link and Add Links buttons. We can also copy a content item to a different site area using the Copy button.

  • Move a content item
    You move content items from one site area to another using the Move To button. This is different from linking content as the content we choose to move is removed from the original site area.

  • Remove content item links from site areas
    You remove content items from site areas using the Remove Links or Link buttons. This is different from deleting content items as the content we choose to remove is removed from a site area, but not from the web content library.

  • Copy other items to a different library
    Use the Copy button to copy an item from one library to another.

  • Move other items between libraries
    Use the Move button to move an item between libraries.

Parent Item management features