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Web Content Manager

These are additional migration steps required for WCM after data migration is complete.

Authoring portlet preferences

Authoring portlet preferences, such as configured libraries and default rich text editor, are not migrated. We must re-configure the authoring portlet postmigration to restore the preferences.

JSP files and Web content plug-ins

  • Any JSP files used on the old system will need to be manually copied to the new system.

  • Any Web content plug-ins used on the old system, such as custom workflows, will need to be manually copied to the new system and enabled.


In HCL WebSphere Portal v 8.0, Searchseed v0.9 has been removed. As a result, we might notice warnings while HCL WebSphere Portal is starting.

ServiceHelper W com.ibm.wps.services.ServiceHelper expand(String) An exception occurred when expanding the variable /${WCM_SEARCHSEED_CONTEXT_ROOT}, skipping expand processing...
            com.ibm.wsspi.runtime.variable.UndefinedVariableException: Undefined variable WCM_SEARCHSEED_CONTEXT_ROOT
        at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.VariableMapImpl.expand(VariableMapImpl.java:373)
        at com.ibm.ws.runtime.component.VariableMapImpl.expand(VariableMapImpl.java:325)
        at com.ibm.wps.services.ServiceHelper.expand(ServiceHelper.java:174)

To address this warning, we need to remove the entry WCM_SEARCHSEED_CONTEXT_ROOT in the WCMConfigService service using the WAS console.


If the hostname or context root of the migrated server is different to the original server, edit the syndicators or subscribers to use the new hostname or context root.

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