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Converting an IBM API web content viewer to the JSR 286 API

As installed by default, the web content viewer is based on the JSR 286 API. If you have a web content viewer based on the older IBM API, we can convert the viewer to the JSR 286 API. Use the convert-wcm-rendering-portlet task to convert the IBM API web content viewer settings and instances to the JSR 286 web content viewer portlet.

The convert-wcm-rendering-portlet task converts portlet settings of the IBM API web content viewer to portlet preferences of the JSR 286 web content viewer. The task also converts instances of the IBM API web content viewer to instances of the web content viewer. User customized portlet data associated with the portlet instance is converted into portlet preferences.

To convert the instances and settings of the IBM API web content viewer to the JSR 286 viewer:

  1. Update the file WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine/wkplc.properties. Confirm that the user IDs and passwords are set as required or modify them if necessary.

  2. Update or verify the properties in the file WP_PROFILE/PortalServer/config/portletconversion.properties.

    If the following conditions are true, no changes are required and we can use the default values in the properties file.

    • There are no clones of the IBM API web content viewer.

    • You want to convert all instances of the portlet on all pages in the default virtual portal.

    For specific situations, we can update the additional properties described in the following table.

    Scenario Properties to modify
    You want to convert instances of the portlet on specific pages in the default virtual portal. pages.uniquename

    Specify a list of unique names of pages, separated by commas. If we specify this property, only portlets on these pages and their descendants are converted. If this property is empty or missing, instances of the IBM API web content viewer on all pages are converted.

    You want to convert instances of the portlet in a virtual portal that is not the default virtual portal. xmlaccess.url

    Specify the URL of the virtual portal to the portal XML configuration interface servlet. We can use this property to run conversions for specific virtual portals. If this property is empty or missing, the default portal is used to run the conversion.

    Example: xmlaccess.url=http://www.example.com:10039/wps/config/vp1

    You cloned the web content viewer portlet and want to convert instances of the clone. Identify the clone by specifying one of the following properties:

    • ibmportlet.portletname

    • ibmportlet.uniquename

    • ibmportlet.objectid

    Only one of the properties is required to identify the portlet.

    For a complete list of properties for the portlet conversion task, see Converting portlet instances and settings from the IBM API to the standard API.

  3. Change to the directory WP_PROFILE/ConfigEngine.

  4. Run the task ConfigEngine convert-wcm-rendering-portlet.


    ConfigEngine.bat convert-wcm-rendering-portlet


    ./ConfigEngine.sh convert-wcm-rendering-portlet

    IBM i

    ConfigEngine.sh convert-wcm-rendering-portlet

  5. Verify the conversion by reviewing the console. The message Build successful indicates a successful conversion. If the message Build failed is displayed upon completion of the task, review the previous steps.

  6. Verify the configuration of the converted web content viewer. For more information about configuring a local web content viewer, see the portlet help.

  7. After successful conversion, we can uninstall the IBM API web content viewer.

Parent: Developing


Convert portlet instances and settings from the IBM API to the standard API