New Web Content Manager features
We might need to update the old web content to take advantage of the new Web Content Manager features.
Approver role
The Approver role is replaced by the Reviewer role and Draft Creator role. All users assigned the Approver role are automatically reassigned to the Reviewer and Draft Creator roles during migration to ensure the behavior of the workflowed items remains unchanged on the new system. These new roles support inheritance and propagation, removing the need to set them explicitly on each item in the workflow stage.The users assigned to the Reviewer role and Draft Creator role should be reviewed post migration because not all users need to be assigned to both roles. Enable inheritance for these roles is also recommended, not just to reduce the effort of maintaining permissions on individual items, but to also improve overall system performance due to the reduction of explicit role assignments. The simplest way to enable inheritance is to assign users to the Reviewer role and Draft Creator role at the library level.
Restart workflow
The minimum resource access required for the restart workflow function has been raised from edit access to the library, to manager access to the library. To maintain the old access level, then we can change the following property in the WCM WCMConfigService service to "false" in the WAS console:
Web content configuration changes
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
You no longer use the file to update configuration settings for WCM. Instead, you now use the WCM WCMConfigService service to update configuration settings with the WAS console. See Set service configuration properties.
Web content tag format changes
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
Web content tags now use brackets. This allows us to add web content tags directly into rich text fields. For example, in previous versions the component tag was written as:
<component name="componentname" />
The component tag now uses brackets:
[component name="componentname" ]
- All web content tags are converted to the new format during migration.
- After migration, if a user enters a web content tag with the old format, it will be converted to the new format when saved.
New web content property tag
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
The IDCmpnt, HistoryCmpnt, ProfileCmpnt, WorkflowCmpnt, and SecurityCmpnt tags are no longer supported. These features are retained and consolidated into a new property tag.
[Property field=" " context=" " type=" " name=" " key=" " format=" " link=" " separator=" " htmlencode=" " awareness=" " ifEmpty=" " include=" " restrict=" " resolve=" " start=" " end=" " ]
- These tags are converted to the new property tag during migration.
- After migration, if a user enters one of the deprecated tags, it will be converted to the new property tag when saved.
Autofill parameter in web content tags
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
The behavior of the autofill parameter used in some web content tags is updated. If weed in an item where autofill is not applicable, the tag instead uses the context of the current item.
If we do not want this behavior to be used, we can add the following property in the WCM WCMConfigService service in the WAS console
Federated content component and element
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
The federated content component and element are no longer supported in version 8.0. To reference federated content in the website, use one of the following features:
- The ECM window
- The Web Content Integrator
- The federated document feature of Personalization
Federated content components and elements are migrated from previous versions and are visible in the authoring portlet. These items can still be rendered in web pages, but we cannot create new federated content components or elements unless we enable this function.
To maintain older systems, enable federated content components and elements in the new system by adding the following property in the WCM WCMConfigService service in the WAS console:
Web content viewer portlet display title options
The standard Web Content Viewer portlet supports additional portlet and page display title options. We can now configure web content viewers to use the value of an element of the displayed content item as portlet and page display title.
Links and metadata for remote content
This was new in WCM version 8.0. No action is required if migrating from Web Content Manager version 8.0 or higher.
The federated documents feature of WCM is used to insert links to content from a remote content system or document repository. Examples of supported repositories include IBM Lotus Quickr , IBM Content Manager, IBM FileNet Content Manager, and Microsoft SharePoint. This capability is provided by the rich text editors in v8.5:
- The default and advanced rich text editors include a toolbar button named Insert Link to Remote Document.
- In addition to the toolbar button, the advanced rich text editor includes a menu item named Insert Link to Remote Document.
We can also use the federated documents feature with Personalization to create selection rules. Personalization is used to retrieve metadata about documents stored in external content management systems or document repositories. With personalization components in WCM, we can display the metadata and create links to the documents in the web content. To select remote content in the Personalization Editor, the federated documents feature provides a wizard.
In v8.5, the capabilities of the portal theme determine whether the user interface features for WCM and Personalization are available.
To enable the Insert Link to Remote Content function after migration, ensure the wp_federated_documents_picker theme module is available on the migrated portal. Any page containing the authoring portlet must use a theme that integrates this theme module. In addition, to ensure the module is loaded, the module profile used by the page must include the wp_federated_documents_picker theme module. If the feature is disabled when we use inline editing of web content, complete these steps:
- Apply a theme to the hidden authoring page containing the wp_federated_documents_picker theme module. For example, we can apply the Portal 8.5 theme.
- Apply a module profile to the hidden authoring page containing the wp_federated_documents_picker theme module. For example, we can apply the deferred profile of the Portal 8.5 theme.
- Apply a skin without decorations to the reserved authoring portlet instance on the hidden authoring page. For example, we can apply the "Portal 8.5 - No Skin" skin.
To enable the folder selection wizard in Personalization, ensure the wp_federated_documents_picker theme module is available to the page containing the Personalization Editor.
Parent Enable new functionality in a migrated portalRelated concepts:
Supported specifications for inserting links to remote contentRelated tasks:
Configure the reserved authoring portlet
Personalizing federated documents