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View and assign explicit roles

View, assign, or edit roles for a resource type.

To edit explicit roles.

  1. Select a resource type from the Resource types list. A list of resource instances appears.

  2. Click the Assign Access icon for the required resource type. A list of roles associated with the resource appears.

  3. Click the Edit Role icon for the required role. A list of members appears.

    Note: The Delete Member from Role icon indicates the member has an explicit role assignment, which can be deleted. A check mark in the Inherited column indicates the role is acquired via the resource hierarchy. Implicit roles are not displayed in the Resource Permissions portlet. To view implicit roles, use the User and Group Permissions portlet.


Follow these steps to add a user or group to a role:

  1. Click Add.

  2. Browse or search for the appropriate user or user group.

  3. Select the appropriate users or user groups from the search results.

  4. Click OK to save changes. The user or group is now explicitly assigned to the role.

Follow these steps to remove a user or group from an explicit role assignment:

  1. Click the Delete from Role icon.

  2. Click Yes when the confirmation dialog box appears.

Note: Remove a user or user group from a role does not delete the user or group from the portal. The previous procedure removes the member from explicit assignments to the specified role. This procedure does not affect explicit assignments to other roles on the specified resource. For example, removing a user from the Editor@Market News Page role does not affect the user's assignment to the User@Market News Page role. This procedure does not affect implicit or inherited role assignments.

To remove implicit role assignments, do one of the following:

To remove inherited role assignments, do one of the following:

Parent Work with resource permissions