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Multiple profile support | HCL Digital Experience

Multiple profiles give you the ability to have multiple, independently configured portal instances that run from the same installation. Starting with Portal Version 7, it is possible to create extra profiles in addition to the default profile, which is useful in the following scenarios:

The following profile types can be generated:

Search Collection and Multiple Profiles

When we run the enable-profiles or replace-profiles tasks, all existing Search collections are captured in the profile template. The Search function does not support sharing Search collections between multiple profiles. Before we run the enable-profiles or replace-profiles tasks, either delete all search collections, including the default Search collections to avoid search errors when we create the additional profiles. We can use the backup and restore procedures to preserve the search collections on the original profile or we can use the following export and import steps:

  1. Export the existing search collections.
  2. Remove the existing search collections.

  3. If we installed HCL WebSphere Portal as a non-root user, run the chmod -R g+rwx /portal_server_root task to modify permissions for the Portal Server directory.

  4. Run the enable-profiles or replace-profiles configuration task to capture the Portal configuration in the profile template.
  5. Import the saved search collections on the original profile.

  6. Create new profiles with the profile templates; default search collections are automatically created in the new profile.

  7. Run the chmod -R g+rx /portal_server_root task to restore permissions to the Portal Server directory.

To share search collections between multiple server instances, then we must configure a remote search server that supports search collections sharing.

Important information for cluster configurations

Manage all maintenance at the cluster level. During maintenance, take the entire cluster out of service. Then, the cluster-wide changes can take effect without affecting user traffic or potentially causing synchronization conflicts. In a continuous availability environment, multiple clusters might be necessary to allow traffic to continue to one cluster while another is being serviced.

Maintaining a HCL WebSphere Portal installation with multiple profiles involves applying maintenance to the product binary files and applying maintenance to each profile instance. All profile instances and the HCL WebSphere Portal product binary files are updated at the same time to avoid conflicts. If a profile belongs to a cluster and the cluster is updated, the shared HCL WebSphere Portal product binary files and all other profiles must be updated to maintain synchronization.

If multiple portal profiles with a set of product binary files are part of a cluster, all profiles that share the binary files must belong to the cluster. This approach provides consistency when we apply maintenance at the cluster boundary.

Parent topic: Plan to install HCL DX