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Set flags

The Controller SPI allows us to set flags for resources. For example, we can set a flag for a page so that portal users can bookmark the page.

We set flags for resources either on modifiable instances of those resources or on controllers managing the resources. The following flags are available:

Flag Flag is associated to resource Flag is set on
ActiveFlag ContentNode (resources that implement the ActiveFlag interface) ModifiableContentNode
BookmarkableFlag ContentNode (resources that implement the BookmarkableFlag interface) ModifiableContentNode
ShareableFlag ContentNode (resources that implement the ShareableFlag interface) ModifiableContentNode
AllPortletsAllowedFlag ContentPage LayoutModelController
DeletableFlag LayoutNode LayoutModelController
ModifiableFlag LayoutNode LayoutModelController

  1. ContentNode is the super class of ContentPage, ContentLabel, ContentURL, and InternalContentURL.
  2. LayoutNode is the super class of LayoutContainer and LayoutControl.

In case of layered resources, for example derived content pages, we set flags only on the layer on which we work. To set flags, use the appropriate method. For example, to set the ActiveFlag, use the setActiveFlag method on the ModifiableContentNode instance.

Set the DeletableFlag for a layout container:

// set modifiable flag on the layout model controller 
lmController.setDeletableFlag(container, true);

Set the BookmarkableFlag for a content page:

// obtain modifiable instance of an existing content page      
final Modifiable modifiable = cmController.getModifiableNode(page);   

// set modifiable flag on the modifiable instance      
((ModifiableBookmarkableFlag) modifiable).setBookmarkableFlag(true);

Parent Modify properties

Related concepts:

Model SPI overview