Change theme metadata
The first step of theme configuration is through theme metadata properties. Changes to the metadata are specific to a single theme, and the entries and values, therefore, can vary from theme to theme.
Go to Manage Theme Properties to learn more about changing theme metadata using the Theme Manager.The theme metadata is located in the folder for the theme in themelist.
- Connect your WebDAV client to http://localhost:port/wps/mycontenthandler/dav/themelist/
- From the folder for the theme, copy the file to local drive.
- Edit the local copy of the file and modify the property values as needed according to the following table.
- Copy the local copy of the file back into the folder for the theme in themelist.
Property Default Value Description Change this value to say which layout template is used by default on pages in the theme. After initially creating the theme by cloning the HCL WebSphere Portal 8.5 theme, be sure to replace Portal8.5 in the path with the name of the folder for the theme. Change this value in the Theme Manager by clicking Manage Theme Properties > General > Default layout.
resourceaggregation.profileprofiles/profile_deferred.json Change this value to say which profile .json file (list of modules) to load. The path value is relative to the folder for the theme in fs-type1. Change this value in the Theme Manager by clicking Manage Theme Properties > General > Default profile. Change this value to say in which folder your custom theme's templates are located. Be sure to replace Portal8.5 with the name of your custom theme folder. Change this value in the Theme Manager by clicking Manage Theme Properties > Advanced > Static content root.