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Administering virtual portals

View information to help you scope the HCL WebSphere Portal to have multiple virtual portals.

Note: Before creating or administering virtual portals, read the information in Plan for virtual portals. Administering virtual portals and their content comprises the following tasks:

We can use the following tools to administer your virtual portals:

The following table shows how we can use these portal tools to administer virtual portals:

Administrative task Portlet for this task Configuration task XML configuration interface
Configure the sub-administrators for a virtual portal Access control portlets --- X
Create a virtual portal Virtual Portal Manager X ---
Filling a virtual portal with initial content Virtual Portal Manager --- X
Listing all virtual portals Virtual Portal Manager X ---
Modify a virtual portal Virtual Portal Manager X ---
Delete a virtual portal Virtual Portal Manager X ---

Note: The following two administrative tasks are manual tasks:

The following sections provide more information about these administrative tasks and how you perform them. The portal configuration tasks for administering virtual portals are documented under Portal configuration tasks for administering virtual portals.