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XML samples for creating Producer definitions

We can modify use these XML samples and use them to create Producer definitions,

We can use these samples to create the Producer definition online or offline.

XML sample script for creating a Producer definition

The following XML sample shows how we use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer if you work offline:

Replace http://producer_portal_host:producer_port/wp_contextRoot with the appropriate values for the environment of your Producer.

This sample specifies the minimum required mandatory WSRP interfaces Service Description and Markup.

XML sample script for creating a Producer definition for a Producer who requires registration

The following XML sample shows how we use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer who requires registration. We can use this sample if you work online and have access to the Producer's WSDL document.

Replace http://producer_portal_host:producer_port/wp_contextRoot/wsdl/wsrp_service.wsdl with the appropriate values for the environment of your Producer.

This sample also includes specification of user attributes.

To use this sample with a HCL WebSphere Portal Producer portal, set registration-required="false" and remove the parameter tags. This modification is necessary because the HCL WebSphere Portal Producer does not support registration.

Parent topic: Use the XML configuration interface to create a Producer definition
