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Target Worklight resources

We can change the way that a web page looks for any device with responsive web design. Device classes are generic groupings of form factors so client devices can view web pages for every form factor without designing the page for each device.

When a client communicates with the server, it can be profiled into one or more of the generic device class. Then, the client can be sent only the resources it needs for rendering its form factor. If we are using device classes, often we can also use device class logic equations, which are Boolean equation of device classes. Device class logic equations help narrow down the exact situation we want resources to be loaded.

With the default theme, responsive design and device classes and logic minimize resources that are downloaded by devices. For example, when we use navigation across devices, the theme modules provide a different navigation JSP for rendering and separate style sheets for different device types. The desktop gets the normal default experience. When a tablet or smartphone is detected, it switches over to the mobile navigation JSP page. With a tablet device class, the mobile navigation JSP turns into a side navigation. If any smartphone is detected and given the smartphone device class, the mobile navigation is rendered in a list. The device classes also change the containers to allow the content to fit on the smaller screen. Some features, such as edit mode, can be disabled.

The main use of device classes is by modules, which can use them to specify when a subcontribution resource is used. Dynamic content spots can also target a device class with a multiview choice (MVC) URL. See mvc:URI scheme. The device class is available as an attribute on the Composite Capabilities/Preference Profiles and can be retrieved within a JSP. We can also use device equations, which are device classes with Boolean logic for further control of what devices receive which set of resources. See Device class equations. There is a global variable available on the configuration object that can help targeting code in the JavaScript editor. See Additional information about device classes for developers.

There are some cases where we cannot use device classes with the device class logic equations. They cannot be used to determine layout templates, page filtering with the supported-deviceclass tag, and personalization. Personalization cannot use device equation logic directly as defined by the Boolean logic. But it can create its own targeting rules of Boolean logic with the visibility rules editor. See Device classes.

A global JavaScript variable is provided for further customizing the user experience. The global variable com_ibm_device_class provides an array list of all currently set devices classes. If none are set, it is an empty array. For example, if we have JavaScript specific for processing smartphones, we can include the following code.

if (com_ibm_device_class.indexOf("smartphone") !== -1) {
//process smartphone }

If we wanted to be more specific and target an iOS device that runs in a Worklight container, we can include the following code.

if (com_ibm_device_class.indexOf("ios") !== -1 && com_ibm_device_class.indexOf("worklight") !== -1 ) {
//process ios worklight }

Parent Integrate with IBM Worklight

Related concepts:
mvc:URI scheme
Device class equations
Device classes
Additional information about device classes for developers