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Rating widget parameter reference

You configure rating widget instances by setting the JavaScript parameters listed here.

Note: The parameters listed here are specific to the inline rating widget that was introduced with HCL WebSphere Portal v8.5. For information about the earlier widgets and their parameters, read the appropriate topics in the HCL Portal v8.0 product documentation. To set the parameters, proceed as follows:

  1. In HCL Web Content Manager, go to Applications > Content > WCM Authoring > Libraries > Web Resources v70 > Components.

  2. Select the check box for HTML - Rating Widget Light - Stars.

  3. Click Edit.

Mandatory parameters

The following parameters are mandatory for the rating widget.

Optional parameters

The following parameters are optional for the rating widget. They correspond to similar parameters in the WP CP Configuration Service.

Parent topic: Parameter reference for the tag and rating widgets
