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Parameter reference for the tag and rating widgets

We can configure each of the portal tagging and rating features to determine the look and functionality of these features. To do so, we configure the tag and rating widgets.

How to configure the tag and rating widgets

You can configure all tag and rating widgets globally by setting parameters in the portal CP configuration service in the WebSphere Integrated Solutions Console. We can also configure individual instances of the tag and rating widgets using the JavaScript parameters in the following topics. These settings become effective for the affected individual widget instance and override the settings set in the CP configuration service. The parameter settings take override priority by the following hierarchy:

  1. Sets specified for an individual tagging or rating widget instance take highest priority.

  2. If a parameter is not set for the individual widget instance, the settings specified in the CP Configuration Service takes effect.

  3. If a parameter is not set by either of the two previous options, the default value defined in the widget class itself takes effect.
Example: In the CP Configuration Service, the attribute for custom labels com.ibm.wps.cp.tagging.inline.customLabel has no default value. The tag widget ABC instance includes the attribute customLabel=MyTags. As a result, all tag widgets in the portal have the custom label set to an empty string, as no default value is set. The tag widget ABC is the exception, because it has the attribute customLabel=MyTags set.Most of the parameters exist as corresponding sibling parameters that we can set both globally in the CP Configuration Service and for individual widget instances and in your code. The parameter in the CP Configuration Service consists of the prefix com.ibm.wps.cp. and the related parameter for configuring widget instances. Example:

Some of the parameters have no corresponding siblings and exist only for one of the two ways of configuring them. The parameters that exist only for configuring widget instances are mandatory, as they identify the resource for which the widget is called. For details about the parameters in the CP configuration service and how to set them, read the topics about the portal CP Configuration Service for tagging and rating and Setting service configuration properties.Usage notes for the parameter lists in the following topics:
